What fully funded scholarships are listed on this platform?
We list as many postgraduate scholarship opportunities as we come across by universities/institutions worldwide. 

Do you offer any additional support to scholarship applicants?

Yes. As much as possible we aim to help applicants navigate the scholarship application journey by answering scholarship-related questions applicants may have. We also provide reviews of scholarship application documents (free or payable).

How can I benefit from a free personal statement review?

We encourage interested applicants to contact us via email stating why they would like to benefit from a review, the scholarship(s) they are targeting and the application deadlines. 

Can we write a personal statement for you?

No. We only offer reviews of personal statements.

Am I eligible for a free personal statement review from this platform?

Any interested scholarship applicant is eligible for a free personal statement review, but we do not guarantee that we will offer a favorable response within a given timeline. Our response is subject to availability of accredited reviewers as they do this work on a voluntary basis.

Do you charge for personal statement reviews?

We have both a free service and a payable service for reviews. For applicants who pay a fee, we always guarantee a review within a specified timeframe. The free service is subject to availability of our volunteer reviewers.

How long does it take to receive a personal statement review?

Duration is variable especially for free personal statement reviews. For a payable service, this depends on how quickly an applicant needs a review and could be between 1 day – 2 weeks.

How can I book an appointment?

Please send us an email with your requirements and we’ll get back to you with suitable timelines. 

How do you ensure privacy of resources submitted to you?

For privacy reasons we do not share on any platform and do not keep an applicant’s documents longer than a week after receiving the service they sought from us. We also ask applicants to remove personal identifying information from any documents they would like to submit to us. 

Do you support applicants irrespective of their academic grades?

Yes. We don’t discriminate in any way. In fact, we always emphasize that your academic qualifications don’t matter the most. We have seen applicants with Pass qualification at undergraduate level get PhD scholarships! With lower academic grades we emphasize a few other tips to make you stand out.

Which English tests should I take?

Most institutions in the UK prefer International English Language Testing System (IELTS)

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