PhD Scholarships

Below is a list of fully funded PhD scholarships at different universities worldwide. Found an interesting PhD scholarship and don’t know where to start? Please check our scholarship support page.

Note: While we make every effort made to ensure accuracy, please refer to the official sponsorship/funding announcement for complete details on each scholarship opportunity. 


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Scholarship name
Fully Funded PhD in Biomedical Sciences for International Students
Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine
Are you passionate about discovering the basis of health and disease, and applying your findings to answer clinically-relevant questions? Are you interested in one of the following topics? Cardiovascular research and metabolic diseases Cancer and immunology Neuroscience Medical systems biology Clinical research Data science and artificial intelligence We are committed to meet today’s challenges in biology and medicine and realize that excellent science requires outstanding researchers. If you aspire to be one of them – welcome to the MDC!
Biological & Medical Sciences
Minimum degree:
Master's Degree
Tuition Fees
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TDR Postgraduate Training Scholarship in Implementation Science
University of Witwatersrand
The University of the Witwatersrand’s School of Public Health is inviting applications for TDR Scholarships which are open to nationals of low and middle-income countries in the WHO African Region. These scholarships are available for pursuing full-time master and doctoral degree programmes in the field of Implementation Science. Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR)’s mission is to foster an effective global research effort on infectious diseases of poverty and promote the translation of innovation to health impact in disease endemic countries. The award for the programmes is provided by TDR, the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases hosted at the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva, Switzerland. Applicant must have good knowledge of English, both written and verbal.
Social Science & Health
Minimum degree:
Master's Degree
Tuition and Stipend
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Sabanci Scholarship for PhD Programs
Sabanci University
Sabanci University Scholarships 2021-2022 are fully funded PhD scholarships for international students. The Scholarship covers full tuition waiver, monthly stipend upto 3200 TL and on campus accommodation. The mission of Sabancı University is to develop internationally competent and confident individuals advancing and fostering knowledge in natural sciences and engineering along with humanities, social and management sciences through innovative trans-disciplinary research. Deadline: Varies from school to school (Masters and PhD) To qualify for Sabanci University Scholarship, candidate must fulfill all of the following requirements below: Required Language: English. Eligible Countries: All world countries
Humanities & Arts
Minimum degree:
Master's Degree
Fees and Stipend
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Reckitt-LSHTM PhD Studentship- Complementary food hygiene, childhood diarrhoea, and antibiotic use: exploratory research in peri-urban Zambia
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
This proposed mixed-methods study will explore complementary food hygiene and its links with illness and antibiotic (mis)use within the context of multiple community-based studies in peri-urban Zambia. Scope and nature of the final study will be developed in collaboration with the skills and interests of the applicants. The proposed study will be completed in two phases. Phase 1 will include mixed-methods investigation of complementary food hygiene practices, infant diarrhoea, and antibiotic use among child caregivers using structured observations, interviews, in-depth interviews, and basic microbiological assessment of complementary food hygiene. Applicants will build on Phase 1 of the study by proposing research in one of two potential study tracks: Behavioural track: The student will conduct further formative research to develop a complementary food hygiene and/or antibiotic (mis)use behavioural intervention targeting caregivers of young children and test this intervention in a small-scale efficacy trial. Formative research methods and the proposed intervention should be informed by existing behaviour change theories and approaches to the design and evaluation of behavioural interventions. Clinical epidemiology track: The proposed research will further explore the links between food hygiene, illness, and child antibiotic use in a phase III vaccine efficacy cohort. A nested cohort study will provide additional data on the impact of vaccination on prescription and non-prescription antibiotic use, gut microbiome and resistome composition. The epidemiological investigation could explore causal pathway links between food behaviours, gut microbiome, biomarkers of enteric dysfunction and clinical outcomes in children such as diarrhoeal incidence, growth faltering including height for age, weight for age and other appropriate indicators.
Social Science & Health
Minimum degree:
Masters degree
Fees + Stipend
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Reckitt-LSHTM PhD Studentship- Economic evaluation of adding hand hygiene and point-of-use chlorination interventions to existing treatment for severe acute malnutrition in Senegal
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
The aim of this PhD project is to develop and apply methods for economic evaluation of hygiene interventions. It will take place alongside the ongoing TISA randomised trial in Senegal ( NCT04667767). TISA evaluates the effectiveness of adding hand hygiene and point-of-use (POU) chlorination interventions to existing outpatient treatment for severe acute malnutrition (SAM). The objectives of the PhD project are: Costing – To estimate the economic cost, from a disaggregated societal perspective, of: (i) COI of a SAM episode; (ii) the TISA hand hygiene component; (iii) the TISA POU chlorination component. Cost-effectiveness – To estimate the incremental cost-effectiveness of the hand hygiene and POU chlorination interventions, based on “cost per additional SAM case recovered” as used in existing SAM economic evaluations Cost-benefit – To undertake a cost-benefit analysis of the TISA interventions and identify options for methodological advances that would be necessary to measure and value benefits it was not possible to include Broader benefits – To undertake a qualitative study of the broader benefits of the interventions to patients and families, to inform future efforts towards their measurement and valuation in cost-benefit analysis.
Social Science & Health
Minimum degree:
Masters degree
Fees + Stipend
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Reckitt-LSHTM PhD Studentship- Hygiene-related determinants of enteric infection in rural and urban settings of Mozambique
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
The student will design and use survey and observational tools to collect data related to hand and personal hygiene, food hygiene, and domestic hygiene. Those data will be matched to dried blood spots, which can be used to measure pathogen-specific immune response to enteric infection (and other non-enteric infections) [2]; and/or stool samples which can be used to detect genetic material of enteric pathogens [3]. Both sample types can be analysed using multiplex methods to detect a suite of enteric pathogen targets for the leading global causes of diarrhea [3]. These results will allow the student to evaluate the association between specific hygiene practices and the transmission of different pathogens. The student will use these data to explore the hygiene-related determinants of enteric infection in different settings and populations in Mozambique as part of two ongoing studies conducted in collaboration with the Mozambican National Institute of Health. The first study follows a longitudinal birth cohort of 200 children from birth through two years of age, with data and samples collected at 6-monthly intervals. That study, located in low-income neighbourhoods of urban Maputo, will allow the student to understand the impact that hygiene practices and infrastructure have on the rate of acquisition of enteric infections during the critical first two years of life. The second is a cross-sectional study evaluating the impact of food hygiene practices on enteric infection and growth among 500 children aged 6-36 months living in similar low-income neighbourhoods of Maputo. That study would allow the student to answer questions related to food hygiene but also personal and domestic hygiene among a larger paediatric study population in Maputo.
Social Science & Health
Minimum degree:
Masters degree
Fees + Stipend
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Reckitt-LSHTM PhD Studentship- Economic analysis of a school-based menstrual health and hygiene intervention in Uganda
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
This PhD proposal is an economic analysis nested within the MENISCUS project - a school-based menstrual health and hygiene intervention being evaluated in a cluster-randomised trial in 60 schools in Uganda. The objectives are: To investigate how household socio-economic status and community characteristics can influence MHM. To assess the impact of the MENISCUS intervention on MHM by household socio-economic status and community characteristics. To conduct a review of economic and quality of life outcome measures for MHM To estimate country- and population-specific value sets for a preference-based outcome measure to be used in the economic evaluation of MENISCUS. The main discipline focus of this PhD will be health economics, using a mixed-method approach. The student will be working in a multidisciplinary research team including social scientists, clinicians, epidemiologists, statisticians, education experts, and policy makers.
Social Science & Health
Minimum degree:
Masters degree
Fees + Stipend
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Reckitt-LSHTM PhD Studentship- Assessing educational outcomes in a school-based menstrual health and hygiene intervention trial in Uganda
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
The PhD will focus on the impact of the intervention on the following educational outcomes:i) educational performance, assessed through a bespoke examination on biology, English and Maths set and assessed by the Uganda National Examinations Board at baseline and endline; ii) school and class attendance, assessed by self-completed diaries daily for 3 months at endline; iii) school dropout. The objectives of the PhD are to: Conduct a systematic review to assess the evidence that school-based health and hygiene interventions have an impact on educational outcomes; Assess the effectiveness of the MENISCUS intervention on school absenteeism and educational performance Assess the impact of the intervention on school dropout, by designing and conducting a study nested in the main trial Compare methods of assessing school attendance by designing and conducting a validation study Objectives 3 and 4 are additional to the main trial plans, and the PhD project is important to enable us to fully understand the impact of the menstrual hygiene intervention on school dropout (and hence inform potential biases in the intervention effect at endline); and to address an evidence-gap on how best to assess school attendance (a challenging methodological area of research in many settings where school registers are not reliable). Findings will be disseminated to educational and policy stakeholders at national, regional and international level.
Social Science & Health
Minimum degree:
Masters degree
Fees + Stipend
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Reckitt-LSHTM PhD Studentship- Understanding the sustainability of Menstrual Health and Hygiene interventions in schools in Uganda
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
The sustainability of school-based health interventions has been relatively unexplored in comparison to healthcare, and it has been even less explored in the case of menstrual health and hygiene (MHH) school interventions. A recent systematic review restricted to high-income countries found that key facilitators of sustainable school-based interventions were, firstly, a committed principal and administration that could authorise continuation, allocate resources, integrate the intervention into school policies and enrol new staff into a community of practice; and secondly the importance of supporting staff who are confident in delivering health promotion and believe in its value. We are not aware of a similar review in low-income settings.The proposed PhD project will be nested under MENISCUS project and will focus on exploring the different factors that can influence sustainability of a MHH school-based intervention in Uganda (“MENISCUS”), and to pilot adaptions of the intervention as needed to improve the sustainability. The intervention includes components to improve the social and physical school environment for menstrual health and hygiene, including provision of an MH kit, a drama skit to reduce stigma, pain management and basic WASH improvements.
Social Science & Health
Minimum degree:
Masters degree
Fees + Stipend
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Reckitt-LSHTM PhD Studentship- Hygiene Interventions in Kampala’s Informal Settlements: global health imaginaries and local health realities
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
This project will explore the global health imaginaries and local health realities of hygiene interventions in Kampala’s informal settlements. Starting in Namuwongo, where our research has continued over the past several years, the ethnographic element will comprise interviews, oral histories, archival analyses and participant observation over an extended period of up to 12 months. The PhD student will embed themselves in local debates and contestations around issues relating to health and hygiene and will trace outwards the histories and political-economic dimensions of different initiatives and agendas that have shaped the interpretation, uptake and sustainability of hygiene interventions. The PhD student will also engage in a wider global health analysis of the construction of hygiene interventions as a policy object, identifying the parameters that have shaped the ways these interventions have come into being on the global stage. The analysis will take its lead from anthropological and science and technologies studies scholarship and will aim to inform future production of interventions to address pathogen transmission in urban informal settlements.Candidates must speak Luganda as well as English
Social Science & Health
Minimum degree:
Masters degree
Fees + Stipend
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Remember: As a prospective PhD candidate, keep in mind PhD scholarships are more common unlike masters scholarships, but there’s still need for tact. For instance, taking the case of UK universities, a very common ‘misconception’ is that PhD opportunities advertised for Home/EU candidates cannot be awarded to international students. First, talk to the supervisor, show deep interest and see if you can get additional funding from elsewhere to support the fee difference (usually an internal university scholarship) and secondly the founder of this platform and many others we know received such awards, so there’s someone to talk to here! Read their inspiring stories here. That is the reason we list interesting opportunities that offer only full tuition fees and stipend at the ‘home’ rate, but welcome applications from international students.

A few other things to keep in mind – You can apply for a PhD scholarship with an undergraduate degree! (we have several personal examples); You must not have a project in mind to get a scholarship, there are numerous projects to choose from!; 3 years is sufficient to complete a PhD (for instance in UK); Get in touch with the prospective PhD supervisor prior to applying for the scholarship. More of these tips and real examples on our blog.